Yateley Lions

Happy 43rd Birthday

43rd Birthday

When our club started

Yateley & District Lions Club was chartered (formed) on 23rd June 1981, as an autonomous club affiliated to Lions Club International.

Lions Club International

Lions Club International is one of the largest volunteer organisations in the world with over 1.4 million members covering over 200 countries. It originated in the United States of America as an idea by a Chicago businessman. Melvin Jones, initially as an association of business clubs and then three years later becoming Lions Club International.

So what do Lions do?

Lions serve, it is as simple as that, and this has been the case since the organisation began. The clubs are where individuals join together to give their valuable time and effort to improving their communities and the World.

In 2023 alone Lions served more than 539 million people worldwide.


Lions Club International’s mission is to empower Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian services and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding.


Lions have a vision to be the global leader in community and humanitarian service.

Why not come join us? To register your interest, and to find out more complete our form:

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